Our Team
Tania Lizarazo (She/Her)
Dr. Tania Lizarazo moved from Bogotá, Colombia to Davis, California in 2009. She found a Latinx and Chicanx community to learn with, and participated in her first digital storytelling project, Sexualidades Campesinas. In 2015, she moved to Baltimore. She’s is still getting to know members of a Latinx community that is less visible but as active as the Central Valley’s one that she misses every day.
Thania Muñoz d. (She/Her)
Dr. Thania Muñoz immigrated to Southern California from Jalisco, México at the age of 14. She went to high school and college in Los Angeles and graduate school in Irvine, CA. In Los Angeles, she grew up surrounded by diverse immigrant communities from México and Central America. Dr. Muñoz moved to Maryland in 2015 to teach Latin American and Latinx literature and culture at UMBC. She is passionate about language diversity and learning from immigrant communities in Maryland. She is also happy to be raising two kids in a multilingual/multiethnic household in Ellicott City.
Mariana Orellana is a University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) student who is in their senior year. She was born and raised in Columbia, Maryland from parents who both migrated from El Salvador. They are the first in the family to attend University and will complete their Bachelor’s Degree in the Fall of 2021. She is majoring in Modern Language and Linguistics with a focus in Spanish and a minor in Latin American studies with an Intercultural Communications certificate. They hope to purse a career in photojournalism or public relations in hopes to work with the Latine/x community in Baltimore.